
Saturday, May 3, 2014

Team Newsome Engagement 4.26.14

We love this couple and how they are with each other. They love to joke around and have fun with life and whatever it throws at them.

They are one of those funny love stories where everyone knew each other but didn't know their connection yet. Funny thing is that we all knew each other! Natalie has known Chrissy since high school, which coincidentally is also the same school that Ben went to but they didn't know it. Ben actually went to the same college as us, which is where we met him. Once Ben moved back to San Antonio after college is when their love story began, and their first date. According to Ben, she deceived him because she got to the restaurant first and was sitting down when he walked in so they were eye level when he sat down. She stood up and then he realized she was more than a foot shorter than him, they have been together ever since. Got to love it!

Thanks Team Newsome for letting us take these photos for you and to share in your moment. We can't wait till October to share in your wedding day!

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Thursday, May 1, 2014

Ramsey Maternity Shoot 4.19.14

This shoot was a lot of fun. We got the opportunity to do the Ramsey maternity shoot at Grapevine Lake on a really nice day. There was some little cloud cover but we didn't let it ruin our shoot or our moods! There was lots of laughs and jokes being told and we got to see a happy couple realizing all the great things that are about to happen in their lives. Their love for each other and their soon to be little man where captured wonderfully through the lens and we can't wait to meet him when he gets here!

Thanks for letting us capture this wonderful time in your lives and we can't wait to do the shoot for Seth when he gets here!

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