
Sunday, July 27, 2014

52 Week Photo Challenge

We know that photography requires constant learning and practice. You really have to just go out there and start shooting all the time to perfect your skills. In came the decision to challenge ourselves as well as get in some really good practice along the way, in the form of a photo challenge. This is going to be a lot of fun and we can't wait to get started on our challenge in August. Each week the challenge is to take photos of our different subject matters, and at the end of each week we will post up our best photo(s) right here on our blog. Don't forget to check in and see our progress throughout the challenge. We would love to hear your feedback as well!
If you would like to participate in the challenge with us, which would be great, please submit your photos weekly to or PM us on our Facebook page! **Fancy Camera Not Required** It would be a pleasure to share and compare our entries with you guys. No obligations or pressure, of course. If you only decided to do a certain week, great! We would love to see any of the shots you take. If we get participation in the challenge, then we can do a weekly best photo post on our Facebook page, so exciting! It's always rewarding to be able to give praise for others works of art.

This challenge will start in August 2014, so lets get out there and shoot! Happy reading!

Natalie & Bobby
Haenen-Wheeler Photography

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Thursday, July 10, 2014

Seth Thomas' Newborn Shoot 7.5.14

Back in April we got the opportunity to take maternity photos for Tracy and Tom as they were awaiting the appearance of their first child, Seth. This time we got to meet the little man himself, Seth Thomas Ramsey. He came into this world June 22, 2014 at 4:18am and boy is he growing already, long one he is. He stretched himself out several times while taking his nap, showing us how tall he plans to be in the future. This shoot did leave us wondering "What do babies dream about?" honestly we still have no idea but it's fun to watch their expressions change as they sleep!

The shoot took place in baby Seth's nursery this time, were he got to be comfortable and continue to have those unknown baby dreams. He seemed to rather like the new blanket we got for him to take pictures on (p.s. so did his mommy). During the shoot we got to catch up with the new parents since the last time we saw them and shared more stories and experiences with each other. It's always a laugh session with these parents around!

We got to reminisce about some of our childhood movies, memories, and toys. Continuously realizing that we are all still big kids at heart and there is nothing wrong with that. Tom and Tracy, you are great parents and baby Seth is your new treasure and foundation together. Thanks again for letting us capture these moments in your lives and we hope you love them as much as we do!

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To see the Ramsey Maternity post click here!
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