
Saturday, September 20, 2014

Week Seven...52 Week Challenge

Our schedule was a little thrown off by vacation so we are making up for the missing posts!

Week seven of our 52 week photo challenge! This week the challenge was to get photos of Sunsets. We took a multitude of photos of the sunset while we were on vacation in Curacao and it was very difficult to choose between them. This post includes three photos that we fell in love with instantly. The first one is your main sunset scene on the beach of our resort and the other two are our creative takes on what objects look like in a sunset. Let us know your thoughts, what do you think?

Did you take any pictures of Sunsets for Week 7? Do you want to participate in the challenge with us? If so, please submit your photos weekly to or PM us on our Facebook page! **Fancy Camera Not Required** It would be a pleasure to share and compare our entries with you guys. No obligations or pressure, of course.

Next week: Sports!

Natalie & Bobby
Haenen-Wheeler Photography

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Week Five...52 Week Challenge

Our schedule was a little thrown off by vacation so we are making up for the missing posts!

Week five of our 52 week photo challenge! This week the challenge was to get photos of Laughter. We were in the process of packing and traveling and had a challenge really getting the time we wanted for our shots on this weeks challenge. Managed to still squeeze in some time for a small shoot and only one photo is required but we love the second one too and had to share. The first photo is of our little Watson who has a knack for laughing at us on a regular basis, grunts and all. Our second photo is one we took not too long ago of a lovely little girl who gave us full enthusiasm for this shot of her laughter! Let us know your thoughts, what do you think?

Did you take any pictures of Laughter for Week 5? Do you want to participate in the challenge with us? If so, please submit your photos weekly to or PM us on our Facebook page! **Fancy Camera Not Required** It would be a pleasure to share and compare our entries with you guys. No obligations or pressure, of course.

Next week: Family!

Natalie & Bobby
Haenen-Wheeler Photography

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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Week Four...52 Week Challenge

It's week four of our 52 week photo challenge! This past week the challenge was to get photos of Numbers. We decided to try two different ideas for this shoot and liked them both so much that we decided to use both. We did the obvious Number 2 on the pencils that happened to coincide with back to school and we also did a play on words with The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy book!

There were several shots that we connected with but we ended up with two shots that we really liked for week four. Let us know your thoughts, what do you think?

Did you take any pictures of Numbers this week? Do you want to participate in the challenge with us? If so, please submit your photos weekly to or PM us on our Facebook page! **Fancy Camera Not Required** It would be a pleasure to share and compare our entries with you guys. No obligations or pressure, of course.

Next week: Laughter!

Natalie & Bobby
Haenen-Wheeler Photography

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