
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Orozco Family Shoot 6.21.14

We had the honor of taking family photos for Adriana and her family at the Fort Worth Stockyards. This family hasn't had family photos done in a long time and what better occasion than Adriana becoming a citizen a few days before the shoot. Very exciting time indeed!

In this shoot we wanted to show how happy and excited Adriana was for becoming a US citizen as well as show the love this family has for each other. There was a bunch of laughs, stories, and ideas shared during this shoot which made for some great memories. We even went out to have breakfast after the shoot and continued the fun, along with some football (soccer) stats!

There was a special moment during the morning where Adriana brought out some of the books that her father wrote during his life. She had recently acquired these books from her trip back home to Colombia. She was able to share these books and some passages with her children, with whom had never seen the books before this day. Adriana was very proud and humbled to be able to share some of her fathers past with her children and we were excited to be able to capture the moments.

Thanks Adriana, Heather, and Andrey for letting us take these pictures for you. We had a great morning getting to know you better and watching you guys interact with each other. Lots of laughs on this day and surely many more to come.

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