
Sunday, August 24, 2014

Week Three...52 Week Challenge

It's week three of our 52 week photo challenge! This past week we were challenged to get photos of Reflections. Honestly, it was a hard one for us this week. The subject matter really made us think and try to come up with some ideas of what vision we wanted. There are many different ways to make a reflection but we wanted to photograph something that was special to us. We landed on the idea of using a spoon to reflect what we wanted off of a book. Natalie is a tea enthusiast who loves to read as often as she possible can. Over time, Natalie has finally gotten Bobby to like tea. He now is willing and excited to try new types as she ravages through Teavana! The book used for this shoot was The Children of Húrin by J.R.R. Tolkien, love it!

There were several shots that we connected with but we ended up with two shots that we really liked for week three. Let us know your thoughts, what do you think?

Did you take any pictures of Reflections this week? Do you want to participate in the challenge with us? If so, please submit your photos weekly to or PM us on our Facebook page! **Fancy Camera Not Required** It would be a pleasure to share and compare our entries with you guys. No obligations or pressure, of course.

Next week: Numbers!

Natalie & Bobby
Haenen-Wheeler Photography

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